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3 Point Ink LLC (Heritage Iron/Oliver Heritage)

Heritage Iron Issue #29 - Digital Copy

Heritage Iron Issue #29 - Digital Copy

Regular price $5.00 USD
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Heritage Iron Issue #29 Sept/Oct 2013 - Digital Copy

Now available for digital download ONLY. 

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  • FEATURING: International Harvester 5488. IH introduced its most advanced tractor series to date in 1981. The radical new look was not the only new feature; this was the tractor that IH needed to make them the "New Number One." Feature tractor owner: Wade Vicory - Sublette, IL.
  • John Deere 4840: Iron Horse. With the introduction of the 5010 in 1962, to the release of the 180-horsepower 4840 in 1978, JD created new expectations in what a high horsepower row crop tractor could do for a farming operator.
  • Machinery Milestones: The tractor scene from 30, 40, and 50 years ago.
  • All Aboard! The Heritage Iron Tour. Midwest collections consisting of: Kinze, Dumont, Kaiser, and Sindt. 
  • Around the Drawbar: That's What Neighbors Do.
  • International Harvester Reveals Its Product Plans to J.I. Case. Why would a giant corporation be selling a division that represented 36.6 percent of its total sales of $8,392 million ($8.4 billion) in 1979 when the company reported a profit of $369.9 million? The answer was short and simple. 
  • Tracks vs. Treads. Crawler tractors with tracks filled a niche, which was soon to be overrun by the preponderance of 4WD tractors. 
  • Museums: The Gaar House and Farm Museum located in Richmond, IN, are where history and beauty merge.
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